Proposal Analyzer Menu Command Summary
OpenProp : Open a User-Specified Proposal
SelectStructureItem : Select a Particular Structure Item (i.e., CLIN, WBS or SOW) for an Open Proposal
Create : Create a Set of Worksheets for an Open Proposal that Contains Summary Data for a User-Specified Cost Element, Either Its Base or Amount Values
Delete : Delete a Set of Worksheets for an Open Proposal that Contains Summary Data for a User-Specified Cost Element
Create : Create a Loaded Rates Worksheet for Each Direct Input Element Included in an Open Proposal
Delete : Delete the Set of Loaded Rates Worksheets for Each Direct Input Element Included in an Open Proposal
Summarize : Create a Loaded Rates Summary Worksheet that Consolidates Information from the Individual Loaded Rates Worksheets
SortBasesWorksheet : Sort a Proposal Workbook’s “Bases” Worksheet to Simplify User Sensitivity Analysis
CloseProposal : Close an Open Proposal
PerformComps : Consolidate Data from Multiple Proposals into a Single Workbook
Help System Overview : Basic Guidance on Obtaining System Help
About SPS : Display Information About the Standard Proposal System
No : Stop the Exit Process and Remain in the System
Yes : Exit the System